Arda Arman



  • HappyBio - responsive mock homepage for an imaginary food store. Visitors can view different products and read comments from different customers.
  • pitchHunt - interactive keyboard for ear training. The number guessing game mixed with music. Players try to guess the random sound by pressing keys on the virtual keyboard.
  • Blue Jay Travel - responsive mock homepage for an imaginary travel company. Visitors can use interactive tabs to find the best holiday option.
  • coffeeTimer - webpage with an interactive coffee timer for pour-over style coffee. User picks the amount of coffee beans in grams. The timer displays how much water the user should gradually pour.
  • Device Finder - an application using Fono API to find and list the latest devices of any mobile device manufacturer. AJAX is coordinated with JavaScript and Fetch using promises.
  • 10q - an application for generating a custom quiz. Users can select the difficulty and topic. Front-end only AJAX is used to get the questions from the Open Trivia Database. Players can answer the questions and earn points.

  • More projects coming soon


on Medium

Bio, or, 10 things I like alphabetical order

  • Bach's fugues
  • Cooking
  • Languages (both spoken and programming)
  • Learning new things
  • Object.create()
  • /r/nosurf
  • Taking a walk when it's raining
  • Unordered lists
  • Writing (anything)
  • This